Record-breaking Galeazzi cast: let’s get going!

Update as of 28/05: the casting is finished!

Updates as of 27/05 – 7:00 pm: our fifth pump has also started up, we are at 30,000m3 pumped and another 35cm is left to reach the surface

Updates as of 25/05 – 12 noon: our fourth pump has also begun operation and we are now at 10,000m3 pumped!

Article of 24/05 follows.

We start today for the construction of the New Galeazzi Hospital, a record-breaking pumping, the casting will be carried out in about of 100 continuous hours, resulting in one of the largest rafts in Europe with its 34 thousand cubic meters of pumped concrete. The thickness of the foundation slab is 3.6 meters, 190 meters long and 50 meters wide. Such a slab was built with 3 large tower cranes LIEBHERR 250 and 285 EC-B and 280 EC-H.

The Group is participating in the record casting in partnership with Unical, in total there are 200 concrete mixer trucks on the site. The Group has provided 62 concrete mixer trucks, 3 active pumps and 3 spare pumps and there will be 82 of our employees h24 on site. The pumps involved are pouring concrete continuously h24 so that the slab will be ready in 5 days meaning by May 27. Supplies regarding materials will be provided by 8 plants and 11 loading points.

Each year Unical itself supplies its customers with more than 400 thousand cubic meters of concrete used precisely for making slabs. A portion of these supplies is used for large-scale slabs, and it is in these cases that proper logistical planning of the casting and a consequent and appropriate choice of the characteristics of the concrete to be used is most important.

Of course there have already been record pumping; perhaps the one that most resembles the New Galeazzi slab in terms of the proportions of continuous pouring was the Wilshire Grand Project in Los Angeles in 2014.  This one was a Guinness-class pumping: 16,200 cubic meters of concrete poured continuously to make the foundations of the future skyscraper. The concrete was left to cool for 14 days, with the help of 60 tons of chillers, six chilled water pumps and two storage tanks of about 75,000 liters.

The New Galeazzi Hospital Project

The New Galeazzi Hospital will be built by adopting the most modern and efficient solutions in terms of energy saving and environmental sustainability so as to reduce waste, consumption, noise and pollutant emissions as much as possible. The materials chosen will be eco-friendly and healthy, with smog-absorbing capacity; in addition, with regard to the quality of the coverings, specially designed solutions will be guaranteed to manage thermoregulation.

To reduce the impact on the city power grid, photovoltaic panels will be installed on the entire roof surface of the new Galeazzi. Considerable attention has also been paid to comfort, humanization of interior spaces and natural lighting, in fact most rooms will be open and permeable to light being equipped with large windows and views to the outside. In contrast, opaque railings will be installed to ensure the protection of patients and caregivers located in the wards or diagnostic and treatment areas. Overall, the colors of the structure will be light and declined on warm tones.

Finally, the estimated duration of the construction site will be about three years, at the end of which IRCCS Galeazzi and Istituto Clinico Sant’Ambrogio will share the new location.

New updates from the construction site will be coming soon, see you soon!