Our Story

The Migliaccio Group was born at the end of 1970s, booming period in the Building and Construction industry.
The first work performed by the group was the Pumping of Concrete for the construction of the Business Center of Naples.

A true triumph for the time, with only two 24-meter truck pumps, a completely different reality than today since today the Group has more than 100 vehicles.

Migliaccio Group has constantly invested in more and more cutting-edge technologies that are indispensable to the realization of Major Works, this is how the Migliaccio Group became leader of the Concrete Conveying and Pumping field in Italy. Nowadays we do own a conspicuous number of Mixer Trucks for Concrete, Pumping Trucks and Mixer Pumping Trucks.

Here is a list of some of our early Major Construction Works:

  • Naples Directional Center
  • Naples Rapid Tram Line
  • Cavet Bo-Fi
  • Cavet Bo-Mi
  • Cavet To-Mi
  • Tav: new Bologna railway station
  • Tav Rome-Naples
  • La Spezia power plant
  • Bridge over the Po
  • Rimini Court and Exhibition Center

The headquarters of the Migliaccio Group is located in Bologna; the most important points of presence are others spread throughout Italy. Major locations are in Milan, Genoa, La Spezia, and Naples.

As of today, the Group has Sheds, Stable and Mobile Workshops, Spare Parts Warehouses, and Tire Warehouses, all designed with the ultimate goal of always ensuring rapid availability of all vehicles at maximum efficiency.

The business partners, sometimes multinational companies, are leading concrete producers and distributors as well as major construction companies.

Thanks to 40 years of experience, highly skilled workers, employees and a variety of vehicles at each location, the Group is able to cope with the most critical situations: weather adversity, impervious pavements, tight spaces.