New Galeazzi Hospital (2019-2022)


The New Hospital Galeazzi was born from the combination of two Historical Hospitals in the Lombardy region: the IRCCS Orthopaedic Institute Galeazzi and the Saint Ambrogio Clinical Institute.

IRCCS Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi of Milan was founded in 1963 and has been, since 2001, the leading hospital for orthopedic admissions in the Lombardy Region with 3300 prosthetic surgeries per year and 1000 spinal arthrodesis surgeries per year.

The Saint Ambrogio Clinical Institute, also based in Milan, was instead founded in 1955 and is among the first Italian centers for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, diagnosis and treatment of obesity.

The Group’s Work

From 2019 to 2022, the Migliaccio Group participated in the construction of the New Galeazzi Hospital, achieving, in collaboration with Unical, a record-breaking pumping: the pumps poured concrete for about 100 uninterrupted hours, thus concluding one of the largest slabs in Europe in just five days.

The slab, with its 34 thousand cubic meters of pumped concrete, has a foundation thickness of 3.6 meters, 190 meters long and 50 meters wide

For this project, Migliaccio Group provided 62 concrete mixers, 3 active and 3 spare pumps with 82 employees on site h24.
