Expo Milano 2015 (2013-2015)


Expo Milano 2015 was a showcase for participating countries, a container of ideas, experiences and inspiration. The platform hosted about five thousand events in six months. The idea was to portray a global landscape by setting up booths for each participating nation. The Expo represented an experimental center where innovation and new technologies were discussed, where scientific research in the service of food was the focus of discussions by leading experts from around the world. Innovative forms and materials for booth construction was also a major element of architectural study where the most enlightened minds and futuristic forms competed.

The Group’s work

The Migliaccio Group, working with 8 pumps and 15 concrete mixers, making use of several leading producers such as Holcim s.r.l and Betonrossi S.p.a and cooperating directly with companies such as Sarappalti S.p.a, has carried out a variety of works taking advantage of the K41 pump, from the outdoor parking lots to the following indoor pavilions:

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Italy
  • Quatar
  • Romania
  • Hungary

The work phase was particularly intense as the Group cooperated in full synergy with other enterprises to open stalls participating in Expo. The work overall lasted 2 years, from 2013 to 2015.