CityLife Milano (2013-in corso)


The CityLife complex is a space in the center of Milan dedicated to public green space, commercial residential areas and hotels. The grandeur of this complex comes from the majesty of the buildings, 3 towers, that distinguish it and are named after the architects who envisioned them.

The Towers

The work within it is mainly composed of three Towers, considered the spearheads of the project: the Hadid Tower, Isozaki Tower and Libeskind Tower.

The Hadid Tower’s slab, which began in 2013, consists of 7500m3 of concrete poured, due to project requirements, in one go. Construction work on the Tower has recently been completed with the construction of its 40th floor, which makes the tower reach a height of more than 170 meters, however, the Commercial Podium area remains under completion, the end of which was scheduled for summer 2018.

Not far from the Hadid Tower we find the Isozaki Tower, which opened in spring 2015 and at 247 stories is the tallest skyscraper in Italy. The building reaches a hright of 207 meters, to which were added the 40 meters of the Rai antenna placed on the roof. To be exact according to the international classification, there is already a taller skyscraper in Italy, which is the Unicredit Tower in Milan, but thanks to the antenna mentioned above, the Isozaki to date holds the scepter of the tallest tower in Italy by height and number of floors.

Near the aforementioned Towers, construction work on the third Tower, the Libenskind, also began in October 2015. Holcim took care of the hexagonal base, supplying about 5,890m3 of low heat of hydration concrete. This was also a record-breaking operation, as the base of the work was poured in just 30 hours. More than 45 concrete mixers were used to finish a work of this magnitude in such a short time; in fact, more than 100 people were operating on the site. The Liebenskind Tower is also nicknamed the “crooked” because of the curved shape it will take when completed. By design this Tower will surpass its “sisters” in height and will be tested by 2019.

The Group’s Work

The Migliaccio Group took part in the works in 2013 for the construction of majestic Slabs with the capacity of 6000sqm of concrete each. For the realization of the project, the Group provided its workers and machinery employing pumps from 53 to 60 meters high and 29 concrete mixers with 8-hour shifts with the guarantee of the realization of each slab in 48 hours. The Group’s vehicles poured for 3 days and 2 nights. To this day we collaborate on the Citylife project in cooperation with the client Holcim s.r.l.