Pedemontana Lombarda – A36 (2012-in corso)


The Pedemontana Lombarda consists of 67 km of highway, forming the main axis from Cassano Magnago to Osio Sotto, 20 km of bypasses, and 70 km of related road works, which will help solve local road congestion. Of the 67 km of highway, just under 20 km will be three lanes in each direction, while the remaining sections, as well as the bypasses, will be two lanes in each direction. In contrast, the connected roads will be one lane in each direction. This is a very complex intervention, both at the engineering and environmental level, because of the considerable development of the route, the importance of the connected infrastructure and the type of territory crossed, since the Pedemontana crosses through the densely populated and industrialized area north of Milan, from Varese to Bergamo.

The Group’s Work

The A36 section started in 2012 and still ongoing, once finished the highway it will connect Varese from Como passing externally to Milan North. The Migliaccio Group was involved from 2012 to 2014 in work on Section A, featuring the interconnection between the A8 Milan-Varese and the A9 Milan-Como. With a total length of 15km and two lanes in each direction, Section A is mainly in trenches (5.5km), embankments (5.5km) and artificial tunnels (3km); a viaduct section allows the crossing of the Olona River. A total of four interchanges are planned for the section: Busto-Arsizio, Solbiate Olona, Mozzate and Cislago. On site, 10 concrete mixers and 6 pumps with over 50mt boom were set up. Most of the work was carried out on a h24 basis with multiple day and night shifts. During the night jets, there was one pump working at full capacity and the other one spare just in case. Most of the work was carried out with one operator since most of the jets did not require pipe additions. The Group cooperated with contractors Bacchi s.r.l and Codelfa S.p.a. for the construction. As for section B2, work began in 2014 and is still ongoing. The section with a total length of 7.5 km refers to the interconnection with A9 Milano-Como up to the junction with section B2 in Lenate. The section has two lanes in each direction, extending almost entirely in a trench (6.6km), a viaduct is planned to cross the Lura River and three interchanges: interconnection with the A9, Lazzate, interconnection with the SP ex SS 35. The Migliaccio Group is cooperating with Strabag for the construction under a direct contract, employing 4 fixed concrete mixers and 3 pumps up to 41mt.